Stockist of High Grade Stainless and Nickel Alloys

Special Materials and Equipment Supplies DWC-LLC is part or large international group who are world leaders in processing and stocking stainless steel plates and nickel alloys. Annually the group uses 1500 tonnes of nickel alloys,6000 tonnes of HR decoil and 50000 tonnes of quarto plates. Therefore we benefit from unique purchasing advantage. SMES DWC-LLC are the specialist in stainless steel nickel alloys, titanium, duplex, and heat resistant materials.

Is to become the primary partner of choice, pioneering new opportunities and bring value to our industry.
To promote quality products, become one of the worlds' leading one-stop shop solutions to your projects in Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Shipbuilding, Desalination, Chemical, Aerospace, Transportation, and Construction Industries.